Authentic relating with truth as a portal to intimacy and healing

Authentic relating as a path to awakening. I find it wonderfully transformational, if I get to notice through a direct experience of it, how the subconscious mind (the body) responds to what I am speaking. It's also equally important for me to notice what is being heard in my inner experience, when I am listening to someone. The power of the subconscious mind I find authentic relating requires a deeper subconscious level of information. For example, when I hear a story I am also formulating another story within me (what I think I heard).   If I am not noticing the subconscious material, then I am actually listening through a filtering system (perception).  It's not possible for me to hear the truth, this way.  How I perceive is being filtered through what I already know. How I perceive therefore is  limiting my ability to take in new information, and find new meaning. When I am present I become aware of past unresolved experiences, unexpressed emotions, beliefs [...]

By |2019-10-28T15:43:22+08:00October 19th, 2019|0 Comments

Can you hear the Truth?

When most of us listen we are actually hearing words through the filter of our mind. Even reading this blog is subjected to this filtering. The mind holds a position, and has an agenda, and it’s trying to fit what it hears into what it already knows so it can get what it wants. It may take a position; for or against, it may be trying to understand in the context of what it already believes. The mind is like a gatekeeper holding onto its ideas and only letting in what it wants, adjusting its understanding, and excluding a whole lot of information. It is trying to maintain a sense of self, an existence, or an ego along with all the stories it has attached to that concept. It is trying to ‘be’ and in so doing is creating a split; an experience of separation, an identity, or a separate little ‘me’. It may even be projecting what it doesn’t like and can’t accept onto others in an effort to [...]

By |2017-05-02T15:03:33+08:00January 26th, 2016|0 Comments


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